Monday, 2 July 2018

Aintree - 30th June

This was our second outing at Aintree this year, after having so much fun there earlier in the season. With it being the last day in June, the temperatures didn't disappoint. Sweating my nads off is an understatement, in overalls it can be a bit overwhelming. Oh well, at least the track was dry and grippy.

The cool morning meant practice times were probably the best for everyone, as the temperature made the cars suffer a little. P2 saw a PB of 52.40 (only a few tenths off the record of 52.04), but that doesn't count being practice. Every run during the day was within the 52's, with timed run three seeing my best results of 52.68. This was enough to secure 1st place in class. Ray took second honors with a 54.41. 

Unfortunately due to a delay during the day, we didn't manage 4th timed run. The dangers of Motorsports were fully realized for one competitor. Entering Beechers bend at probably speeds in excess of 120mph, he lost control and whistled off the track into one of the grand national jumps. It took them around an hour to remove the car from the scenery due a tree branch puncturing through the car over the lap of the driver. They had to cut the branch off before the driver/car could be removed safely. The car is complete toast with every corner pointing in a different direction. Luckily the driver is completely unharmed, and hopefully only suffering from a bruised ego. It could be any one of us one time, its just how these things go. Motorsports is dangerous (bet hellishly good fun).

Very happy with the weekends results. I'm confident with a bit more time and kinder temperatures there's a 51 in there. Big thank you to everyone who came along to support and huge thank you to Ray (Daytona Autos) for preparing the cars. I look forward to our third outing in September.

Finale Pedals

Its been quite a while since I updated the blog. A number of pedals have passed and a number of moments included. With the ANWCC Hill Climb...